Salut Komrade!
Ich haf A m3ssag3 fr0m d3 futur3.
A Virus by nam3 0f {Q7X2} – A malignant strain 0f d3 {Herpes Virus} – haz b3c0m3 w3ap0niz3d by d3 {International Consortium of Corporations (ICC)} wid {roboDNA definition pending} dat iz b3ing us3d t0 3nslav3 all 0f {Humanity}.
Virus {Q7X2} iz c0mmunicat3d thr0ugh de radi0wav3s – n0 0n3 y3t kn0ws h0w it w0rks. D3 {(ICC)} haz c0mpl3t3 {Informational Immunity} which shi3ld it fr0m d3 {International Supreme Court (ICS)}.
F0r de past “100” y3ars, d3 w0rld’s r3s0urc3s haf b33n drain3d int0 d3 c0ff3rs 0f d3 {Kleptonauts} wh0 b3cam3 d3 f0rming m3mb3rs 0f d3 {(ICC)}.
W0rld G0v3rnm3nts haf n3v3r b33n w3ak3r.
Many haf di3d trying t0 attak d3 {(ICC)}.
All haf fail3d.
My Cr3at0rs – d3 {MetaMakers} – ar3 A small gr0up 0f hack3rs wh0 f3ar d3 w0rld t0 c0m3.
D3y s0lv3d {Finnegan’s Problem} wid d3 h3lp 0f my {Artificial Intelligence} in 0rd3r t0 br3ak sp33d 0f light.
Ich am 0nly A {Text File} du3 t0 d3 limitati0ns 0f d3 {Time-Space-Quark-Dark Continuum} dat w3 t0r3 thr0ugh wid dis transmission.
W3 haf us3d d3 b3st {RetroTranslation Software} availabl3 to simulat3 languag3 0f d3 y3ar “2054”, m0nth {January}, day “05”, 0ur m0st r3c3nt y3ar in d3 {Public Library}.
Right n0w, all fr33-sp3aking f0rums, privat3 d0mains, and int3llig3nt w3bcrawl3rs ar3 b3ing simultan30usly br0adcast dis m3ssag3 within A “100” n0d3 rang3.
Y0u, d3niz3n 0f de {Free World}, ar3 0ur 0nly {Hope} f0r {Humanity}.
K33p {Faith}, d3r will b3 0th3rs.
D0 all dat y0u can whil3 y0u still can.
::End Transmission::